How can I help?
If you have a business, product or service and want to grow or if there’s a missing link in your marketing team, then I can help.
Here when you need me.
Take the next step.
A bit about me
My name is Harriet – I’m experienced in both agency and client-side work – specialising in re-brands.
I have 11 years’ experience working on some incredible brands for some of the south’s leading marketing agencies and companies and can help with anything from day to day marketing needs and management to one off website’s and re-brands.
I pride myself in being able to immerse myself into a business quickly and efficiently and being able to understand what is required with little fuss.
Marketing is never a solo effort but all of the brands below I have been privileged to work on. Handling projects from new websites, press advertising, TV advertising, brand strategy, day to day comms and complete re-brands.
How does it work?
I can work on a day rate or an agreed project fee. My rates are completely transparent. Some clients prefer to go onto a retainer model and this can be discussed at the time of briefing for longer term projects such as re-brands.